SPPD Newsletter for the months of April and May
Newsletter for the months of April and May
It has been yet another fruitful period of
hectic activities in SPPD. The two hot summer months of April and May passed
off both as normal and a little different from being normal. This is because
the months of April and May marked the summer vacation period for the school
children here.
With the schools having been closed, the
children were confined to their homes. And thus they missed the midday meals
that they would have been having when the schools functioning. Though the
children could not have had the sufficient amount of balanced nutrition
required from those meals, they would not have remained hungry. Â And the nutrition kits sponsored by Give India
compensated this absence of midday meals more than in one ways. And the
nutrition kits given by Give India not only helped them to keep away from hunger,
but the kits also went a long way in satiating their craving for snacks. The children
happily express that and say there is a sea change in the taste of the food
they consume at home thanks to the nutrition kit they are able to receive now.
The sauce accompaniment to rice the “Sambar†usually consumed had never been
thick and always would be very watery and a name sake dish. Â
This is because in the poor rural households
in the villages here would use hardly 50 grams the lentils of Bengal gram which
is the main ingredient for the dish of sambar wherein a minimum of 200 grams of
the lentil would only make it a little thick and tasty.
Earlier the rice accompaniment sauces would hardly
contain the field bean but cow pea, pigeon peas given as part of the nutrition
kits have completely changed the consistency of the dish.
The fulfillment of the nutrition requirement
and cravings of children for snacks the children feel a sense of psychological
security. This is because they need not be in constant sense of insecurity as to
if they can get a fulfilling meal on a day. This is no longer the case as the
ingredients of the nutrition kits have changed it.
One of the important activities that was
carried out during the month of April was that Peer meeting was organized for
the persons and their families living with HIV. Members of the community remain
badly affected because of the pandemic priorities by all concerned. All the
members mentioned this aspect requesting the help. It is planned to organize
another meeting for the persons living with HIV in the month of June.
This apart, in May a QR code has been created by SPPD so that those who wish to extend even small amounts of donations can do so by making use of the same to give donation to the interventions of SPPD.
Malavarayanpatti vampan (po)alangudi (Tk)pudukkottai (Dt)
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