Pandemic and Psycho- physical health and Digital Hazards of Children
Team SPPD Feb 17, 2022
In these pandemic times around 1500 odd children have been receiving the nutritional food kits sponsored by Give India for the last 7 months. The children have been missing the mid day meals for long, which they would have been receiving if the schools were open. And hence this intervention has gone a long way in keeping the physical health of the children of the villages in our region in a big way.
Upon distribution of the nutritional food kits SPPD has made it a point to keep track of the effective utilization of the nutritional food items by the respective families of the children. While helping the children to keep their physical health through the nutritional food kits, SPPD has also been focusing on their mental health.
In particular, the new mode of education the Online classes have has immense impacts in the psychological condition of the children, as they miss their peers along with physical activities of regular offline schooling. The long hours of exposure to internet during online classes pose a number of risks in the form of digital hazards.
The children are exposed to the risks like popping up of adult contents, cyber bullying etc. Falling victims of life threatening computer games, scams, accidental downloading of malware etc are the digital hazards that the children are exposed to has been a major problem. In our region there were many cases of addiction to computer games by children. Games like Pub G have been reported to have induced children to aggressive behavior.
Similarly many tragic incidents of suicides of teen agers addicted to games like Blue whale have been reported. Despite the ban on some of such hazardous games, the exposure of the children to such digital hazards continues. And different versions of similar apps haunt the children Phishing which is another threat that trap the children through misleading emails.
And thus, the team members of SPPD have been taking it upon it as a mission to guide and counsel the children and their parents to prevent the children from falling victims to such cyber hazards in these pandemic times. The normal wholesome development of children has taken a severe hit due to the covid pandemic situation for the last two years all over the world . SPPD has been able to minimize the bad impacts of the pandemic among the children of the villages here to a great extent. But for the noble contribution of the donors of Give India this would have been possible. And hence we express the gratitude of the parents of the children for the same.